Tuesday, May 18, 2010


"Bounce to you, bounce to you!~"

Now your probably wondering where this random voice is coming from..right? If you guessed Kim Hye Soo..'DING DING' correct! It's about 1:00 AM early in the morning, and this girl is glued to her computer listening to Super Junior's latest 4jib release, Bonamana. Kim Hye Soo has two roommates..also considered her best friends, Kang Rae Sang and Park Soo Hee. They've pretty much been together since kindergarden..in other words..elementary school.


"Hey, give that back..IT'S MINE!" yelled Rae Sang.
"Nyah nyah! It's mine now, anything I touch is now under my possession." Soo Hee yells back. Running around like little wild animals, playing chase..Soo Hee has Rae Sang's precious lunch box specially made from her mother.

Of course, Hye Soo on the other hand was minding her own business..playing with her dolls.


"Owch!" yells Hye Soo in sudden pain. "Watch where your running, PABO!" Rubbing on her elbow, Hye Soo looked at it carefully to see if there were any marks left behind. "Whew..good nothing wrong." After a few minutes, Hye Soo stares off at the other random two girls who just previously ran into her..one crying..and the other running.

Hmmmm...what's wrong with that picture?


"AH!" Hye Soo thought of a brilliant devious plan to get her revenge on Soo Hee. As she quickly gets her thoughts together, watching the girls come back for another round..Hye Soo swiftly sticks out her leg and trips Soo Hee. The next thing you see is a flying lunch box and a girl tumbling across the floor.

Rae Sang's eyes begin to water slowly, "My lunch! Mom made that for me!" and starts bawling out her luke warm tears. On the other hand..Soo Hee was rolled up in a ball like position from the fall and Hye Soo was laughing her butt off.


"Listen girl, I like you, baby girl, I love you."

It's now 2:00 AM in the morning..and this is 100th time Hye Soo played the song over again. Singing aloud not realizing she was disturbing her roommates slumber, she hears a knock on her door.


Taking her eyes off the screen, she gets up and unlocks to the door..and meets up with a hard smack on the head. "OW! WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THAT FOR?!" Hye Soo yells.

"YAH! We're trying to sleep here..can you turn your voice down a little?!" Soo Hee shouts. "It's 2 AM for god sake..what the heck are you doing up so late..huh?" Looking behind Hye Soo, she notices the title across the screen, not caring enough..she fusses at Hye Soo one last time before heading back to bed, of course hoping she didn't gain any wrinkles she pats her face softly for any loose skin.

Now feeling all agitated, Hye Soo turns off her monitor and climbs into bed. Letting out a long sigh, thinking about her boyfriend and they're date tomorrow..she falls into a deep slumber.


'BEEP BEEP BEEP' the alarm goes off waking up Rae Sang from her peaceful sleep. Eyes still half closed, Rae Sang feels around the table next to her bed side for the alarm and gives it a hard smack to turn it off. She gets up and lets out one of her biggest yawns, sluggishly crawls out of bed to refreshen herself in start of the morning. In the middle of brushing her teeth, she looks in the mirror and notices her bed head, stares at it and goes back to brushing. After doing all her morning duties, she walks to her other two roommates room, Hye Soo and Soo Hee to wake them up.

As she heads to Soo Hee's room, she notices a crack in the doorway. "Hmm? She must be awake." Pushing the door open slightly she looks around and sees the bathroom lights on. Walking to the Soo Hee's bathroom door, she peeks inside.."Pretty shocking your awake at this time Soo Hee." Rae Sang says in a surprised voice.

"Haha..yeah. Hye Soo woke me up from her singing 2 in the morning and I couldn't get a wink of sleep afterwards." Letting out a small smile, Rae Sang says, "Well I'm going to wake up Hye Soo and start breakfast." Soo Hee nods and goes back to applying her makeup.

Walking towards Hye Soo's room, Rae Sang enters quietly and looks to see that Hye Soo was sound asleep in her bed..snoring away. Tip toeing to the bed..Rae Sang starts lightly shaking Hye Soo to wake up, but that didn't work. So she decides go out to the kitchen and do the old fashion way of waking her friends up..a pot and spoon.


The sudden bell like sound woke Hye Soo from her sleep. "Ahh~ Stop that already..its hurting my ears..leave me alone..I only had a few hours of sleep.."

"Well now..it's not my fault someone stayed up all night..now hurry up and get dressed. We got class in a hour and plus I have to make breakfast for the both of you." All grumbly from the lack of sleep, Hye Soo gets up and drags herself to her bathroom to get dressed.

-10 minutes later-

"BREAKFAST IS READY!!!" Rae Sang yells in her loudest voice possible. Setting up the breakfast table, her friends come out refreshed and hungry. "So what do we got for breakfast?" Soo Hee asks. "Seaweed soup, fish, with a side of rice and kimchi." Rae sang explains. "Hmm..good enough for me.." Hye Soo says, looks down at her plate and digs in. After finishing up their breakfast plates, Soo Hee cleans up everyone's plate and brings it to the sink.

"15 minutes left." Rae Sang says looking at her watch. The girls start rushing and gathering their school bags together, checking a few things around the house before leaving..Rae Sang the last to leave locks the door behind her.


The school bell just rang, the girls made it in time..happily chatting away with their friends. Now that school is being mentioned...going to Harvard was Hye Soo's dream goal accomplishment, but due to her laziness and not doing much of her school work..she couldn't get into the university. So her second choice was to stay back with her friends in Korea and finish up her four years in college here.


Tardy bell rings, and the students in class start to settle down. Everyone quiets down as the teacher begins to call roll..





"Kim Hye Soo?...is she not here?" the teacher asks aloud. Hye Soo who wasn't paying any attention, spacing out in her own little world...gets a kick from her partner.

"Hye Soo! Yah..! Hye Soo!!"

-desk gets kicked again-



"Oh..huh? Sorry I was spacing out a little.."

"The teacher's been calling your name for sometime now..will you answer already?" her partner whispers.

"Kim Hye Soo...not here?" the teacher asks again.

"Oh..sorry I'm here!" Hye Soo says aloud, raising her hand. Teacher lets out one of those big long sighs and says, "Please answer to roll call when your name is called Ms. Kim Hye Soo." Embarrassed, Hye Soo bows slightly and apologizes sitting back down in her seat. Thinking to in her head..UGH! What the hell was that Hye Soo?! How can you embarrass yourself in such a manner? Geez..and she gives herself a slight smack on the forehead.

After that, Teacher began her lesson on Romeo and Juliet. She starts to pass out the scripted play to each of the students, and accurately starts going over the instructions.

Clearing her voice up..."Okay class! Today we're going to go over the storyline of Romeo and Juliet, but first I would like everyone to carefully skim over Scene's 1 and 2 and define any vocabulary words that you don't understand."


Due to the lack of sleep, Hye Soo started dozing off forgetting all about the current lesson.
So tired...damn it...


The lunch bell finally rings...

Still napping soundly, Hye Soo was abruptly woken by a sudden smack on the back of her head. "OW! What the hell was that for?!" Hye Soo yells out. Now trying to fully wake up, rubbing her eyes she than realized she was still in school.

"You go to start sleeping early, pabo! The teacher wasn't happy when she saw you sleeping!" Rae Sang fussed. "You better catch up on your class work, it's all due first thing tomorrow morning."
Ugh..this really sucks..

"Fine..whatever..I'll do it when we get home." Hye Soo mumbles. "Did the lunch bell ring yet..? I'm really hungry.." Her stomach starts to churn. Letting out a sigh Rae Sang says, "Yeah..it did already, geez. Before we go off we need to find Soo Hee." Getting up and dragging herself away from the desk, Hye Soo and Rae Sang walk out their classroom for lunch.

"Ohhh!~ This looks so good! I'm starved!" Hye Soo's mouth waters. Soo Hee lets out a sigh, "You eat too much..it's like you have a stomach of a damn hippo." Pouting Hye Soo says, "Well its not my fault I have a big appetite." Looking down at her bowl of noodles and side dish of kimchi, she starts slurping and scarfing down all the food.

-5 minutes into lunch-

Hye Soo pats her stomach, "Man..I'm stuffed!" Ignoring Hye Soo's satsfied expression, Soo Hee says, "Well who wouldn't be stuffed after eating all that food?" Slowly and delicately she eats her lunch in a well mannered way. "But if you don't eat your food fast enough, you'll get full a lot quicker." Hye Soo explains. "See? I can be smart too!"

Rae Sang then stops her, "Nah ah ah..." holding her finger up disagreeing. "It's much healthier for you if you eat smaller meals Hye Soo. If you eat such a big meal like that, your stomach doesn't have much time digest as fast. Oh and not drinking in between bites can slow down the process too."

Soo Hee smacks her forehead. "Now look what you did..idiot. You know Rae Sang is going to go on and on about these kind of things." Mumbling to herself again, Hye Soo slouches down in her chair, of course also listening to Rae Sang ramble on about the 'healthy' ways of eating.


Soo Hee and Hye Soo just stared at Rae Sang with the 'are you done yet' expression. Well..apparently she wasn't..she was just about to get to the part of the food pyramid, when someone yelled out and stopped her mid sentence.


Hearing her name, Hye Soo turns around with rapid speed to see who it was. Of course this guy doesn't have a name..you could say he was a close classmate of Hye Soo. He pauses at the table and notices the other two sitting there as well. "Oh..your here with them..." he says. "Ah! forget that! Do you have your homework done for next hour?! I forgot to do it last night..please please pleasseee!!" Staring at him Soo Hee says, "Your asking Hye Soo if she did her homework..? Are you kidding me? You know she hardly ever does her homework." Hye Soo was just about to say something, but she was cut off by Rae Sang.

"Hmm..I'll let you copy mine..but..under one condition." The boy stares at her dumbfounded and than asks, "Okay..what's that condition?" Resting her finger on her lips taking her time to think about something good in exchange. "Okay! The condition is..you got to stop bothering us for the rest of the school year. Can't ask about anything, nada!" Staring at him, he staring back..his head dropped. "Damn..fine! Can I have it now?" Rae Sang hands him the notebook and he flies out through the cafeteria door with it in between his hands.


Lunch has just ended and the three friends were just heading back to class...but Hye Soo suddenly paused in the middle of the hallway.


Flames were engulfing the area, everything was being burned down..and her parents were no where to be seen. She was running around in the house that was burning down in flames, yelling for help... "MOM! DAD! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Trying to dodge all the fallen furniture and the crackling of the flames, she ran around huffing and puffing through the flames, yelling for her parents. "MOOOOMMM!!!!....DDDDAAADDD!!!"

Where are you guys?! Why can't I find them anywhere!!...somebody help me!

She kept looking around to see any source of movement, but she saw nothing. The flames were getting bigger, the thick cloud of smoke was keeping from finding anyone. Her vision began to blur..she couldn't stand the heat much longer...but she needed to find her parents before everything was completely gone.

But it was too late...



"HYE SOO!..HEY!" Rae Sang smacked her friend's face to see if she would wake up. "HYE SOO! Come on..wake up!!!" Soo Hee gives her a hard smack across the cheek.

"WAHHHHHOOWWWWCHHH!" Hye Soo pops up and lets out a scream of pain. "What the hell women?! That fricken hurt!" Soo Hee and Rae Sang let out a big sigh of relief. "We thought you were gonna be gone for good...suddenly dropping on the floor like that." Soo Hee replied. "Hehe..sorry that happens quite often..I get this weird flashback where I'm engulfed in flames..yelling for help." Rae Sang says, "Flames..?" Looking at Soo Hee and Rae Sang who now had worried expressions, Hye Soo let out a sigh.

"Don't worry I'll tell you guys about it later..let's get to class." Hye Soo starts getting up and dusting herself off. Rae Sang and Soo Hee stare at each other and then back at Hye Soo. Shrugging their shoulders, they all linked arms and walked towards class.

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